Education and Experience

• 1981 graduate of Purdue University (B.S. with a major in psychology, through Indiana University-Purdue University @ Indianapolis.
• Passed the Indiana State Bar Exam in July 1991
• Received J.D. degree from the Indiana University School of Law-Indianapolis in 1992
• Admitted to practice law in 1992
• Chief Deputy Prosecutor in Jennings County from 1992-1998
• Private law practice since 1992 handling a variety of cases including child support matters, protective orders, dissolutions, family law matters, and many other civil disputes.
• Served as a public defender from 1998-2006
• Prosecuted numerous cases as a Special Prosecutor including but not limited to Child Molesting, Reckless Homicide, DUI resulting in death, DUI’s, domestic battery, resisting law enforcement, battery-bodily injury, and many other less serious offenses.
• In addition to the above cases, he prosecuted hundreds of DUI cases, DUI death cases, murder, operating as habitual traffic violator and lifetime suspension cases.
• County Attorney for Jennings County 1998-2004
• Attended numerous Educational Seminars provided by the Indiana Prosecuting Attorney’s Council while Chief Deputy Prosecutor.

Paid for by the committee to elect Alan Marshall Prosecutor
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