The following are my positions on various issues:
• My office will have a special emphasis
on crimes against children and the elderly and domestic violence
• I will not spend money to hire a “special prosecutor”
to do my job or the job of any of my deputy prosecutors.
• I will not file Class A and B felonies and then make a plea
deal for the defendant to plead to a misdemeanor.
• Child Molesting counts will not be dismissed as part of
a plea agreement in exchange for a guilty plea on a lessor unrelated
• I will be in court and on time for all of my hearings.
• I will vigorously prosecute all violent crimes, sex crimes,
meth dealers, DUIs, and habitual offenders.
• I will seek to revoke the bond of defendant’s who
are out on bond and then commit other offenses. Too many criminals
continue to commit crimes while out on bond.
• I will utilize funds in a proper manner, always keeping
in mind that the prosecutor’s office is there to seek justice.
• I will be fiscally responsible at all times.